Øyvind Langsrud's homepage
This page contains software developed by Øyvind Langsrud during his employment
as a research scientist at Matforsk (1998-2008).
Updates and future versions will be made available
Software for 50-50 MANOVA with rotation testing
All three variants below perform general linear modeling with multiple responses (MANCOVA).
An overall p-value for each model term is calculated by the 50-50 MANOVA method,
which handles collinear responses. Rotation testing is used to compute adjusted single
response p-values according to familywise error rates and false discovery rates.
Windows program
Matlab program
R package
- The package is written together with Bjørn-Helge Mevik.
- The latest version of the package is available on CRAN
and the direct link is
See the announcement mail (August 31, 2006).
Suggestions, bug reports and other comments are very welcome.
Please use the email address ffmanova